The PSS Volunteer Awards is a special, annual event that allows us to shine the spotlight on our wonderful volunteers and all the work they do.
There is no doubt that 2024 was a productive year for the PSS Wellbeing Centre volunteers, so we were thrilled when all their dedication was recognised as they secured not one – but two – awards.
The Belonging Award was presented to our lovely group work volunteers located across our service, consisting of Corinne, Elsa, Ian, Ken, Michelle, Paul A, Paul H, Pete, Richard, Stevie and Mark.
Mark was also the recipient of the second award, The Thinking Big Award, which recognises how a volunteer has gone the extra mile in making a difference to how things are done in our service.
Here we speak to Mark about his busy year strengthening our partnerships, co-facilitating courses and attending to our fuzzy little companions (the bees!) as a Bee Guardian.
Hello Mark, how does it feel to receive The Belonging Team and Thinking Big Award?
To be honest I felt a bit overwhelmed by it all. I do everything I do to try and put back into the PSS Wellbeing Service.
If I can help one person through sharing my lived experience, then that's more rewarding than any award. It was lovely though to hear the nominations from Sylvie and Cath.
The Belonging Team award won by our Wellbeing Peer Support and volunteers was well deserved. It`s a pleasure to be a part of this team. Between us all we run various groups, from men`s group, reading groups, everyday mindfulness to music groups. A lot of effort goes in to running these courses.
Can you tell us about some of the ideas you have put into action this year?
The biggest idea was to have one shared Dutch Farm for everyone. Instead of having PSS Wellbeing Centres and Making Days separate, why not bring everyone together to work as a team? I started to put things in place by attending quarterly co-production meetings. Then in October last year I discussed with Abi, our Volunteer Coordinator, about volunteering with Making Days at the Dutch Farm. I now volunteer one day a week with Making Days and it is a joy to spend time with all my friends there. We also now have regular Barn development meetings, attended by both PSS Wellbeing Centres and Making Days. A great partnership is coming together.

What do you enjoy most about volunteering at the Dutch Barn?
The highlight of my volunteering so far has to be beekeeping first. I also really enjoy the challenge of co-facilitating courses with PSS Wellbeing Centre staff. This has helped massively with my self-confidence and gives me another opportunity to give back.
Volunteering has really built my confidence. It also has given me the opportunity to share and learn from my fellow volunteers. I am a different person than the guy who walked through the gate a few years back. The thing I love most about volunteering is the chance to pass on or share my lived experiences, whilst dealing with various mental health challenges myself.
What would you say to anyone thinking about giving volunteering a go?

The most important thing I would say to anyone thinking about becoming a volunteer is give it a go. You won`t know if it’s for you or not until you try. You can do as little or as much as you are comfortable with.
Can you share with us three words you associate with PSS Wellbeing Centres?
PSS Wellbeing Centres in 3 words...
Are you a person who uses the PSS Wellbeing Centre service who would like to volunteer?
If so, we would love to hear from you! Email: wellbeingcentres@pss.org.uk or telephone 0151 708 0415/.