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Sharing Wellbeing at the Mental Health Market

We had a fab day on Monday at the Mental Health Market! We were lucky with the weather as the Autumn sun shone on us for most of the day...

Big thanks to everyone who came down to say hello and a special well done to the Sing Sing Sing gang for their gorgeous performances, accompanied by Mersey & Andy.

The event was a great opportunity to bring together city wide wellbeing projects and highlight some of the services to passing crowds at Liveprool One. Thanks to the Healthwatch Liverpool team for inviting us along.

There were also some fun activities to get involved in including yoga-laties, stress ball making and a bespoke HIIT workshop... with a PSS memeber holding the plank for a very impressive 2 minutes!

Our PSS Wellbeing Centres stall was busy from 9-5pm and we chatted to loads of lovely folks about all things wellbeing. We even had our own Activi-Tree and collected peoples wellbeing tips to share with others. Some of the tips included :

Creativity Talking to friends Taking a walk Spending time with pets

Hugging Having a bath Singing in a choir Having a dance

Swimming Tai Chi Getting outdoors everyday Lifting weights

Drinking hot water with lemon Being on my allotment Yoga and Pilates

Journaling Baking cakes Cycling group Meditation

Time with grandchildren Face full of cold water Watching soaps

Volunteering Reading a good book Counselling Going out with friends

Here's some snaps from the day, recognise anyone?!

Have you any Wellbeing tips you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you...

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