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Photography Challenge Have You Got a Moment?

Hello! Big thanks to Bev and Gill for this week's photos and they've both had a go at last week's challenge - Can You Spell It Out?

Love this one from Bev - did you see what I did there? :-) Very clever to use jewellery which creates curves nicely.

And then she did another take on it. Very inventive!

And then she got naughty! And altough she said she was joking about doing this word, we let her anyway as long as she made some asterisks. Well somethimes these words pop out when we're not looking. And may I say, nice chocolate stash, Bev!

And it's not that we're trying to include a cat or two every week...but here's Gill's lovely Sassy again with her heartfelt message.

As we've had a lot of love, here's peace and a rainbow of hope from Bev to end on.

Now on to this week's challenge and apologies! For the wind interfering with the sound, for forgetting to hold the phone horizontally and for the usual number of geese being on holiday!

The challenge is to share a moment from one of your days. It could be something as simple as having a cup of tea and a biscuit, watching a favourite programme, a sight that made you smile, something nice you made to eat, rain on tghe window - anything at all.

Here's my moment.

But as ever we love to see your photos on any theme and please send them to:


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