We are happy to share this offer from the wider PSS team, no need to sign up as the details are provided below:
"Hello PSS people! We bring you some exciting news - Claire Apea from our SL East team is running a Monday wellbeing exercise class that you are all welcome to join.
Claire recently became a fully qualified instructor for an exercise company/brand called ‘The Jungle Body’ where she teaches Konga which is a mixture of dance, boxing, cardio and toning all in one class. The classes Claire normally teaches are for 1hr but the classes Claire will be teaching to all PSS people, carers, all PWUS and families, and all PSS staff . There is a varied mixture of songs and routines and you can adapt the movements of the routines to suit yourself, the routines are suitable for those of any age and any fitness level, whether your coordination is great or not, as long as you are moving it’s all that matters.
The session will run on Zoom : Monday's @ 11:30am!!
If you don’t feel comfortable having your camera on on the day then you can of course switch it off, Claire will also be muting all of the participants so the only sound you hear will be the instructions and music.
If you have some free time at 11:30am and fancy a bit of exercise that is going to boost your wellbeing, join via the link below"
Topic: PSS Jungle Body Wellbeing Class Time: Mondays 11:30 AM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2812515368?pwd=MzFMQjNLSU1CbldnYytMVXg2YnNOZz09 Meeting ID: 281 251 5368 Passcode: KONGA
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+44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 281 251 5368
Passcode: 476670
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdz6PkvrF5