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Mindfulness Wellbeing

Mindfulness provides us with the opportunity of feeling some stability in the face of the challenges and struggles that life throws at us. Mindfulness offers the chance to be less emotionally reactive and to decide how we want to be. Mindfulness also lets us be in the moment more rather than stuck in thinking about the past or future. It allows us the take some time to simply breathe!

We have a number of opportunities to practice Mindfulness at the Wellbeing centres - both face to face and online (through Zoom)

At the centres - face to face.

We run Mindfulness 8-week courses regularly at the centres. Our next course is being run at Belle Vale starting Friday 8th October from 10.30am to 12.00pm. There are still a few places available so contact us if you want to reserve a place.

We also have a ongoing Everyday mindfulness group that meet at the Umbrella centre, City centre every other week on a Monday afternoon. This group is for people who have attended a course and want a place to practice on a regular basis with others.

Online - through Zoom

We have a Weekly meditation group on a Monday morning from 10.30am to 11.15am. The meditation is an opportunity to continue to practice mindfulness within a community of like-minded people.

We also have a Meditation/Relaxation session on a Thursday evening from 8.30pm to 9.15pm to encourage calmness and peace and aid better sleep. This session is available to the general public and well as people who attend the centres. When attending, your zoom audio and video are switched off.

We are currently taking names for those interested in having an 8-week Mindfulness course through Zoom.

If interested in any of our Mindfulness activities please contact us on or 0151 708 0415

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