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Mental Health Awareness Week

We all have mental health. All of us. However, every now and again some of us may struggle with our mental health to the point where it can affect our day to day life.

We may feel down, stressed or anxious.

We may feel a horrible jumble of feelings that might be triggered by something, or even nothing at all.

It’s very hard to prioritise your wellbeing when you feel bogged down by the other demands of life. In this world there seems to be very little time to put aside for your mental health when you have bills to pay, work to do or people to look after.

Mental Health Awareness aims to put your mental health at the forefront of your mind. The week - running from the 15 – 21 of May – focuses on increasing public understanding of mental health and looks at how we create a society that works together to prevent mental health problems.

At PSS Wellbeing Centres we offer a safe and nurturing space to help you take your first steps to living a life with better mental health.

Open to all who are members to PSS – and to those who would like to join PSS, (details given below) – we can offer you a range of core courses designed to improve aspects of your mental health.

For example, we have Anxiety Management, a seven week course which will help you identify and understand the causes of anxiety.

If you’re feeling down and depressed, then Lifting Mood provides some important self-management techniques to improve your ability to take care of yourself next time you’re feeling low.

Have you heard of Mindfulness before? We run an eight week course about the benefits of self-awareness in order to break bad habits and negative thinking.

Remember, as a PSS member you can always take on of these core courses again if you’d like a refresher. If you’re not a PSS member you can always become one! Get registered with us today by calling 0151 708 0415 or email

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