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Looking After your Mental Health During Summer

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is widely considered to be a form of depression that impacts people during winter. However, this isn’t always the case! It can impact people at any time of the year, even during summer, which is also known as summertime sadness. 

There are many things that can contribute to feeling depressed during summer, such as the temperature. Summer heatwaves can make anyone feel miserable, but it can impact those already suffering with mental health issues most. Heat intolerance is a side effect of antidepressants, beta-blockers and anti-psychotics, which affects the body’s ability to regulate your temperature. 

This may seem like a double-edged sword; the medications you take to help your mental health can also negatively impact your mental health during summer!

High temperatures during summer can impact your mood in many ways. You may feel stressed or agitated when you can’t cool down, or anxious when thinking about having to go out to do daily tasks in the heat. 

Some tips for staying cool during the day: 

  • Stay hydrated! Wherever you are, make sure to bring cool or iced water. 

  • Close blinds and shut windows during the day to keep the heat outside. Open the windows at night to let the cooler air into the house. 

  • Be sun-smart! Stay out of the heat wherever possible and try to stay in the shade.

  • Wear light, breezy clothing and a hat!

Another problem that impacts everyone during summer is sleep! Cool temperatures are important for enhancing the quality of your sleep and during summer temperatures this feels impossible. 

Spending the night tossing and turning can really affect your mood for the day, so it is important to take steps to promote a good night's sleep during summer. 

Some tips for staying cool at night:

  • Bring a cool glass of water into the bedroom to stay hydrated.

  • Close the curtains and open a window to let cool air into the bedroom (alternatively, use an electric fan).

  • Use lightweight bedding such as lower tog duvets or even just throw blankets.

  • Cold (hot) water bottles! You can even use hot water bottles from winter, instead using cold water and taking this to bed to keep cool.

  • Wet a towel or blanket with cold water and freeze it in advance so you can take the frozen towel/blanket to bed.

High temperatures and especially heatwaves can be incredibly dangerous. It is important to stay as cool as possible. Certain populations most at risk include people with long-term health conditions, people over 75, those who live alone and people on medicines that cause heat intolerance (this includes antidepressants, beta-blockers and anti-psychotics).

If you are concerned about your ability to cope during high temperatures, please contact your GP or healthcare provider. 

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