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In Memory of Shaun Flanagan

An accomplished artist, Peer Support volunteer, a huge rock music fan and a lovely, gentle man, it’s safe to say Shaun Flanagan was hugely valued at the PSS Wellbeing Centres.

His passing was a big shock and loss to our PSS community. His popular persona and character was clear at his funeral where every attendee was requested to wear their favourite rock t shirt instead of black.

During his time at PSS Shaun formed a strong friendship group. One of his good friends was Ian Smith, who Shaun met at a Peer Support Training course. The two creatives bonded over their passion of art which inspired them to form an established art group at the Avenue. The duo’s love of the arts could only be matched for their passion for rock music (as shown by the times they turned up to the art group in the same rock t shirt!)

Ian has here shared with us his latest art piece the 'Salen Boats' in dedication of Shaun Flanagan.

‘Salen Boats’ features two abandoned boats in Salen Bay, a beautiful settlement on the Isle of Mill, Scotland. As an avid fan of Scotland it is a scene that Shaun would have enjoyed on one of his hikes.

Ian Smith said: “I can't even begin to say how difficult it has been since I heard the very sad news of Shaun’s passing.”

He added: “He was such a friendly nice guy who was always smiling and he was always great to talk to.

“I feel we had very much in common and he seemed so popular with other people. His funeral at the Chapel was full of people including his family members and all his friends. It was the most touching service in tribute of Shaun.

“There are times I find it so hard to take in he isn't here now and I know for sure he would want us all to live our lives and be happy. He is all around us and always will be, he is always in our thoughts.

“I'm so pleased to have had the privilege to know him and he will always be a good friend, artist and genesis fan. I did this painting for Shaun in his memory of a place he most dearly loved and visited - Scotland the Isle of Mull.

“I hope this canvas will be a nice tribute for Shaun. I could imagine Shaun standing on the shore and looking out across the lake at the boats, it is so peaceful. R.I.P Shaun.”

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