
This week I’m taking a look at food labelling. This is supposed to help us to make healthier choices but it can be confusing.

The idea is to make us aware of when something has a lot of fat, sugar or salt in it as we shouldn’t have too much of these each day.
I’ve found the easiest labels to get my head around are the traffic light ones. Unfortunately not all packaging has these. But here’s how they work.
Red: this means there’s a lot of this in this product. Like a traffic light it’s teling us to stop, but before we have too much.
Amber: there’s a middling amount of this in this product.
Green: there’s not a lot of this in this product.
So the bottom line is try not to have too much of those foods which have a lot of reds.
This Weeks's Top Tip: Avoid reduced fat products unless you’ve been told to by a doctor. These usually have more sugar to make up for the loss in flavour. A good example is reduced fat yoghurts. You’d probably be better off having less of the original product.
Quote of the Week: Anyone who had never made a mistake has never tried anything new. Albert Einstein.
So if you want to try something new, get comfy with making mistakes!
And finally, another smoothie recipe. This one is for peanut better lovers!
Peanut Butter Cup from the book Smoothies by Chris Cheyette &Yello Balolia.
Half a banana 1 tablespoon of dried cranberries 4 tablespoons of oats 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds 1 tablespoon of peanut butter 120 ml milk ice cubes
Nutrition fact: sunflower seeds are high in magnesium which is linked to protecting aginst type 2 diabetes.