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Feel Good Gardening

Fancy growing a bit of Happiness?

Come and spend some time at Dutch Farm in Garston, our green oasis, gardening alongside the Dutch Barn volunteer gardeners.

For many people gardening is their secret to happiness. It’s a well-known fact that spending time outdoors improves our wellbeing. Gardening connects us to nature, and can help blow away emotional cobwebs and give us purpose and hope at times when it's hard to have any.

Aswell as being good exercise, It's also a great way to connect with others and offers opportunities for friendship and support.

What could be more delightful than kneeling in the mud amongst friends, pulling out weeds, with the soft spring sunshine on your back?

So come along, get stuck in, learn from others or share your gardening tips in this beautiful setting.

Sessions are available on a Monday and Friday 1.30 – 3.00pm. All levels of skill and interest are welcome.

To find out more please phone 01517080415 or speak to Annie directly on 07825240616

Open to anyone signed up to PSS Wellbeing Centres

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