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Culture Vultures 30.03.2021

Question for the Chat in the Cafe this week, on April 3 its National Find a rainbow day, Each year on April 3rd, National Find A Rainbow Day challenges us to look to the sky and find a colorful ray of hope cast across it. There are people that see rainbows as an artistic masterpiece in the sky, to others it is a sign of hope and to many a sign of promise. It can be all three; beauty, hope and promise. A spectrum of light in the form of a multicoloured arch. Do you have any thoughts or pictures of Rainbows. Head over to the Chat forum to share

This weekend it’s Easter, a Christian religious event Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, a Christian festival and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The egg, an ancient symbol of new life, has been associated with pagan festivals celebrating spring. ... From a Christian point of view, Easter eggs are said to represent Jesus' emergence from the tomb and resurrection.


On the 4 April from 2.00 to 3.00 a free on line event with Sir David Attenborough. Join us for a conversation with Sir David Attenborough. He will be discussing with Liz Bonnin his hopes for our planet. After their discussion, Sir David will be answering some of your questions about conservation.

London Handel Festival on the 5 April. Join us online for a unique and ground-breaking performance of Handel’s masterpiece, blending ‘live’ and ‘virtual’. With star soloists, all alumni of our international Handel Singing Competition, and the London Handel Orchestra in a live performance from St George’s, Hanover Square in London’s Mayfair – Handel’s own church. The choruses have been prepared and pre-recorded by fifteen choirs, including our ‘Sing at Home’ chorus, totalling some 500 singers from all over the world, and will be integrated digitally into the overall performance. The whole event will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube for global audiences to enjoy free, and will be available on the London Handel Festival YouTube channel afterwards, where you can also watch our inaugural performance live-streamed on 3 December 2020.

Guggenheim Museum A great site where you can view a good selection of art book on line for free

The history of Greenwich mean time. Greenwich Mean Time is the yearly average (or ‘mean’) of the time each day when the Sun crosses the Prime Meridian at the Royal Observatory Greenwich.

Shahnameh Book of Kings In 940 AD in Paj (Pazh), on the outskirts of the city of Tus (Tous) in north eastern Iran, a boy was born. He grew up to become the creator of a palace made entirely of Persian poetry. His name was Ferdowsi and his masterpiece is called the Shahnameh, the ‘Book of Kings’. In Shahnameh – More Than a Book of Kings, we’ll be looking at stories and wisdom contained within the book. For example we look at the story of a boy whom is considered an outcast because he is born with white hair and white eyelashes. Is today's society more able to accept and embrace differences?

The fab Simon Whitehouse and London Tours with tales about Charles Dickens

And from the Charles Dickens museum an article and short film about Anna Marongiu life and work creating images for the Pickwick Papers

A really fab production by Oddsocks of Julius Caesar even if your not a fan of Shakespeare this is fab and really made me laugh out loud anyway

Ask the Past a fascinating web site with cures from the past if you dare to use them. In direct opposition to a Frenzie, is the Disease called a Lethargie; which causeth sluggishnesse, and a desire to sleep.It is caused of Flegm, which cooleth the Brain overmuch, and moistneth it, and thereby provoketh sleep… sometimes they will open their eyes, if you cry aloud to them, but they instantly shut them again…. You may burn Brimstone under his Nose, or assa foetida (a root herb) to awake him… also you may safely put a whole spoonfull of Mustard into his mouth at once.

A rather different artist whose dedication to produce art calls him to works 24 hours a day for a week. Take a look at the puffer fish

Thanks for listening and best wishes to all



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