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Coproduction Workshops (Zoom) : An opportunity to get more involved at PSS.

Co-production workshops with PSS

PSS are inviting you to this great opportunity to take part in one of our co-production workshops at the end of April 2021. The Wellbeing Centres are part of PSS; a social enterprise that supports people to live happy, healthy and hopeful lives :

What's Coproduction?

'Co-production is an approach to decision-making and service design where people who access services and service providers work together to reach a collective outcome. The approach is value-driven and built on the principle that those who are affected by a service are best placed' (

There’s nothing better than talking to someone who’s been there. Here at PSS, we benefit from two sorts of expertise: professional and personal.

Coproduction is at the heart of what we do at PSS Wellbeing Centres and Upbeat Liverpool is a brilliant example of how working together enhances the service.

More about the Workshops

This is your chance to work together with people who access support from PSS alongside the teams that deliver services ,to lay out how we're going to work together in the future - and explore how we can make PSS better.

These workshops are a vital part of shaping how we do things at PSS and it's important as many people as possible get the chance to be part of it.

The workshops will take place on Zoom (you only need to sign up to one):

Saturday 24 April, 11am - 1pm

Monday 26 April, 10am - 12pm

Tuesday 27 April, 10am - 12pm / 2pm - 4pm

Thursday 29 April, 2pm - 4pm / 6pm - 8pm

So how do I sign up?

If you are already a member at PSS Wellbeing Centres and would like to get involved to share your feedback and ideas about how you’d like to see things working at PSS then please contact us and we'll sign you up with the support of our Wellbeing Centres team.

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